Students in the laboratory

School of Science

School of Science
Susanne Illenberger

Susanne Illenberger

Dean, Distinguished Lecturer of Biochemistry and Cell Biology


The School of Science provides an international and multidisciplinary environment for researchers in the natural sciences and mathematics. From numbers and quanta, molecules, and cells, to oceans and planets - cutting edge research in mathematics, physics and chemistry, the life- and geosciences advances our knowledge, addresses global problems, and creates new technology.

Below you find the overview of our faculty including the professors with research field as well as lecturers with their main field of teachingour adjunct staff, PhD students, and researchers (soon), and the programs offered by the school.


Our professors and lecturers with their research groups and teaching field, respectively.

Geochemistry - Geosciences: CritMET
Biomedicine of Proteolysis – Quantitative Cell Biology
Laser Protection Representative
Biophysics and Didactics of Physics
Complex Dynamical Systems
Computational Systems Biology
Biochemistry of Gene Regulation
Associate Professor of Microbiology
Molecular Biotechnology
Computational Physics and Biophysics
Functional Inorganic Materials: Synthesis, Characterization, and Catalysis
Biogeochemistry of trace metals and their speciation in the ocean
Analytical Chemistry
Electromagnetic Fields
Analysis on groups and homogenous spaces with applications
Chemical Physics – Linear and Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy in Frequency and Time Domain for the Study of Structure and Dynamics of Molecular Systems
Supramolecular Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Molecular Biotechnology
Organic Chemistry
Dynamical Systems and Chaos Theory
Mathematical Physics
Implications of the Rise of China and Non-Western Emerging Economies
Planetary Geology
Mathematical and Theoretical Physics: Classical and Quantum Gravity, Quantum Information
Teaching Lab Coordinator
Molecular Mechanisms of the Immune Response and Immuno-Biotechnology
Medicinal Chemistry
Molecular Plant Microbiology
Physics of Near-Earth Space
Organic and Nanoelectronics
Adjunct faculty
Numerical Modeling
Adjunct Professor of Marine Biology
Computational Materials Science
Adjunct Professor of Physical Oceanography
Adjunct Professor
Complex Systems from the Perspective of Statistical Physics and Nonlinear Dynamics
Adjunct Professor of Mathematics
Adjunct Professor of Mathematics
Adjunct Professor of Applied Mathematics
Fluorine, a small atom with a great impact
Adjunct Professor of Geosciences
Adjunct Professor of Biophysics
Adjunct Professor of Computational Drug Discovery